Quarterly Nonprofit Network and Sharing Events

Join LACF and local nonprofits at the quarterly nonprofit network and sharing event. LACF has restructured the grantmaking process, including follow up reporting. One of the things we heard during the nonprofit focus groups was the desire to network with each other and also have an opportunity to meet donors and community members. This event is designed to be a networking session to build social capital among all. 

February 5, 2025  | 11:30 am – 1:00 pm

Where: GROW | 624 Vine Street, La Crosse, WI

What to expect: A formal introduction of our hosts and featured nonprofits will begin at 11:45 am. There will be time to tour the GROW facility and learn about their work as well as time to connect with our local nonprofits. Light refreshments will be provided.

Organizations choosing to use this event as their follow up reporting, please email Ellen Heydon, Grants Specialist (ellen@lacrosseareafoundation.org). Ellen will work with the Donor Services Team to coordinate donors that have supported your organization’s grant. Organizations must inform Ellen of their intention to use the follow up reporting option a minimum of 2 weeks prior to the event.


February Nonprofit Network and Sharing Event

Join LACF and our local nonprofits in the quarterly nonprofit Network and Sharing Event on February 5, 2025.

Contact Details
