Nonprofit Focus Groups Survey

Thank you for participating in this focus group survey. 9 focus groups were held in-person. In an attempt to gain a wide array of perspectives and feedback, this survey is available to anyone who plays a role in the ongoing operations or governance of a nonprofit organization located in La Crosse County. This could be a board member, committee member, Executive Director, child care teacher, outreach specialist, grant writer, marketing intern, monthly volunteer, mid-level manager, program coordinator, or any number of other critical positions that help our nonprofit sector meet critical needs in our community. You have valuable feedback and experiences to share and we appreciate your time and commitment to helping us evolve to better meet the needs of our whole community.

Nonprofit Focus Group Survey

The purpose of the Nonprofit Focus Groups, including this survey, is to identify what nonprofits need to do their work effectively and to identify both benefits and challenges of collaborative work in the nonprofit sector. You have been invited to take this survey because you work or volunteer with the nonprofit sector and as such, have valuable feedback and experiences to share.

(total years as staff and/or volunteer)
Please enter a number from 1 to 100.
What is your organization's impact area?(Required)
Select up to three (3).
If you'd like to be added to our distribution list of people to share these survey findings with, please share your email. We will not use your email in connection with your other survey responses or share them with anyone outside the LCF Impact Department.
What is something you feel pride in? What does the organization do well?
What resources do you need to carry out your mission effectively? If your initial response is money or funding - how would you utilize funding?
What did you bring to the partnership that made it successful? What did the partnering organization bring?
What made that partnership challenging? What were the "tension" points?
What was missing? What would have made you feel better prepared?