LCNI Intake Inquiry

LCNI New Project Inquiry

For programs/projects interested in LCNI fiscal sponsorship. Note: completion does not equal approval. You will be contacted by Lauren at La Crosse Community Foundation to gather more information if your program/project is a good fit for LCNI fiscal sponsorship.

How did you hear about LCNI?(Required)

Please share a few sentences about your project's mission and how you accomplish it.
Who are the humans supporting this project/organization/program? Please include at least 3 names, roles (if applicable) and contact emails.
What is the estimated total funding you received in the last calendar year including contributions, grants, pledges, and fees? If this is a new project, what are your projected revenue sources and amounts?
What are your estimated total expenses for the project in the last calendar year by amount and category? If this is a new project, what are your estimated annual project expenses by amount and category?
Have you connected with organizations doing similar work or with similar missions about fiscal sponsorship? If so, whom?

Eligibility Questions

Note: A member of the LCF Impact team will connect with you regardless of your responses to these questions to ensure you're aware of all resources and services for which you may be eligible.
Project enriches the lives of those in La Crosse County.(Required)
Project has no (zero) paid employees.(Required)
Project is welcoming to all.(Required)
While a project may target services or resources to a specific demographic, it is accessible to all.
Project is non-partisan and does not make contributions to any political party or candidate.(Required)