Legal Details and Tax Benefits

The two best legal/tax benefits of working with a community foundation include avoiding annual taxes of investment income and having no payout requirements. There are also no upfront costs to establishing a fund with La Crosse Area Community Foundation, and no ongoing operational costs apart from the nominal annual management fee assessed by the Foundation to administer the funds.

This table displays the individual tax benefit and legal detail distinctions between different kinds of charitable giving vehicles or options. You’ll notice several benefits to establishing a fund or funds with a community foundation vs. starting your own private foundation.

Private Foundation LACF Community Impact or Designated Funds LACF Donor Advised Fund LACF Supporting Organization
AdministrationDetail annual filing with IRSLACF carries out all record-keeping and accountingLACF carries out all record-keeping and accountingLACF carries out all record-keeping and accounting
Grantmaking Expertise For larger foundations, a professional staffLACF staff assistance to review and monitor proposalsLACF staff assistance to review and monitor proposalsLACF staff assistance to review and monitor proposals
Control Trustees have complete control of distributions and responsibility for asset managementLACF Board of Directors responsible for grantmaking to carry out donor's intent and asset managementDonor advisors recommend grant recipients to LACF Board for approval; Board responsible for managing assetsOwn Board of Directors responsible for grantmaking and asset management
CostLegal and accounting fees, insurance, office space, staff and operational costsNo cost to establish; investment and management feesNo cost to establish; investment and management feesCost to establish; investment and management fees
Legal Identity Separate nonprofit entity(Donor's choice of name) Fund of LACF(Donor's choice of name) Fund of LACFDonor's choice of name; separate nonprofit entity affiliated with LACF
Tax Status Private FoundationPublic CharityPublic CharityPublic Charity
Taxation of Investment Income 2% AnnuallyNoneNoneNone
Payout Requirement Annual grants must equal 5% of corpusNoneNoneNone
Deductibility of Gifts Deductible up to 30% of adjusted gross income; gifts of appreciated property deductible at fair market value (up to 20% of AGI)Deductible up to 50% of adjusted gross income; gifts of appreciated property deductible at fair market value (up to 30% of AGI)Deductible up to 50% of adjusted gross income; gifts of appreciated property deductible at fair market value (up to 30% of AGI)Deductible up to 50% of adjusted gross income; gifts of appreciated property deductible at fair market value (up to 30% of AGI)