Photos of La Crosse by Karen Genz
Funds of La Crosse Area Community Foundation
Funds are established by individuals, families, businesses, nonprofit organizations and community groups sharing a common interest. La Crosse Area Community Foundation currently manages nearly 300 funds, and on average adds an additional 20 new funds each year. Click on each fund below to learn about its donors and giving priorities.
Interested in creating your own fund? Call us today – (608) 782-3223 ext. 21.
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AAUW Joan C. Koonmen Memorial Scholarship Fund
The fund is set up as an endowed scholarship fund to support the AAUW Joan C. Koonmen Memorial Scholarship Fund in perpetuity…

Administrative Fund
This is La Crosse Area Community Foundation's own "Agency Fund" which was established by our Board of Directors to work towards a…

Al's Musky Challenge Fund
Al’s Musky Challenge is an annual fundraising event of the Rotary Club of La Crosse Downtown Club that raises money for local…

Alice O. Gordon & Viola M. Forshler Fund
In 1940, Alice O. Gordon who was a life-long educator, was the first donor to the Foundation. Earnings from her bequest are…

All Abilities Trane Park Fund
To build the region's first all abilities park specially designed to bring together children, families and loved ones of all ages and…

ALM Family of Companies Scholarship Program Fund
Corporate scholarship fund established by ALM Holding Company to provide financial assistance in the form of scholarships to the children of employees…

American Association of University Women-La Crosse Branch
The AAUW La Crosse Branch Fund provides grants to programs that assist and support equity for women and girls' growth, development, and…

American Association of University Women-La Crosse Branch-Scholarship Fund
The AAUW La Crosse Branch Scholarship Fund provides scholarships to many young women each year pursuing continued education at a university or…

Amie L. Mathy Center for Recreation and Education Endowment
This fund was established with encouragement from a La Crosse Area Community Foundation challenge grant to support opportunities for young people living…

Amie L. Mathy Family Fund
Established by a gift from the Mathy Construction Company, the Amie L. Mathy Fund honors the founder and former chairman of the…

Andy and Connie Ziemelis Charitable Fund
A designated fund established by Andy and Connie Ziemelis to support Coulee Region Humane Society's ‘Home Sweet Home’ grant program, Aging and…

Anita and Robert Funke Historical Society Fund
The Anita and Robert Funke Historical Society Fund was established by the La Crosse County Historical Society to honor and recognize Bob…

Ann Henke Scholarship Fund
This fund was created in memory of Ann by her husband. It is awarded to graduates of Galesville-Ettrick-Trempealeau High School, where Ann…

Ardus and John Cleveland Family Fund
An advised fund established by Ardus and John Cleveland to support local agencies.

Audrey and Donald Medinger Family Fund
To mark his 50th birthday, La Crosse Mayor John Medinger and his seven siblings established this endowment fund to honor their parents…

Austin & Chelsea Reinhart Family Fund
An advised fund established by Austin and Chelsea Reinhart to support local community needs.

Baltz Family Fund
The Baltz Fund, established in 1987 with a gift of G. Heileman Brewing Co. stock from Mr. and Mrs. Walter Baltz, Jr…

Barbara and Dave Erickson Fund
The Barbara and Dave Erickson Fund is a donor advised fund that assists groups in their work with young people.

Barbara and Donald Frank Family Fund
The Barbara and Donald Frank Family Fund supports some of the Frank family's many philanthropic interests - varying from the environment to…

Barry Blomquist & Eva Dahl Family Fund
The Barry Blomquist and Eva Dahl Family Fund has been established to facilitate our family vision of philanthropy.

Ben and Ceil Mader Memorial Fund
The Ben and Ceil Mader Memorial Fund is a designated fund that provides annual scholarships to Western Technical College and UW-La Crosse…

Bernadette Teff Family Fund
This fund was originally established as a donor advised fund in memory of Bernadette by her daughter Elizabeth Nutter to assist organizations…

Bernard Kriesel Aviation Scholarship
The purpose of this fund is to support the development of youth in aviation in the greater La Crosse area by promoting…

Bethany Lutheran Homes, Inc. Endowment
Bethany Lutheran Homes is a Gundersen Health System Affiliate offering a variety of assisted living options where the aging can live in…

Betty and Dale Kendrick Art Scholarship
A designated fund that provides financial assistance for an art major in the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse's Art Curriculum in Studio Art…

Betty Levinstein Fund-WF
To honor Betty Levinstein, this fund provides a grant to the Women's Fund each year so additional grants may be made.

BIPOC Mental Health Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by personnel at Peace of Mind Counseling to support scholarships for BIPOC individuals seeking a graduate degree in…

Black Empowerment Fund
Started in the spirit of the Black Lives Matter movement of 2020, the Black Empowerment Fund was established to support organizations in…

Blahnik-Naugler Help Fund for Women
The Blahnik-Naugler Help Fund was established by Rebecca and James Naugler when Rebecca served on the board for the Women's Fund of…

Bob and Jean Marck Family Fund
In 2004, Bob and Jean Marck started this donor advised fund "To give back to the community." Bob owned and operated Community…

Bob and Millie Hanson Fund
Bob (Tex) Hanson established this fund as a memorial to his wife, Millie Mayhew Hanson. The fund will support programs and services…

Bonnie and Mike Jones Fund
This fund was created by Bill Jones to honor his parents, Bonnie and Mike Jones. Distributions from this fund support our competitive…

Borton Construction Scholarship
The leadership of Borton Construction is dedicated to exceed customer expectations and supports continued education in construction related fields such as engineering…

Boys & Girls Clubs of La Crosse Fund
The Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater La Crosse is a safe place for youth from all backgrounds to learn and grow…

Bradley and Lynn Sturm Family Fund
An advised fund established by Bradley and Lynn Sturm.

Bramschreiber Family Fund in Memory of Karl Bramschreiber
Donor advised fund established by Karl's parents, Tom and Carol, and sister, Jenny, to honor Karl's life passions following his death from…

Brekke Family Fund
This donor advised fund supports various Environment, Health and Human services, and Community Improvements in La Crosse county.

Brian and Karen Rude Family Fund
When Brian Rude retired from the Wisconsin State Senate, he and his wife, Karen, decided to use the balance of his political…

Brock Family Scholarship, Tom & Jan Brock
The Brock Family Scholarship Fund awards a scholarship to a graduating Onalaska High School senior who participates in music and athletics. This…

Burton C. Smith Scholarship
This fund, established through the estate of Logan High School industrial arts teacher Burton Smith, memorializes his wife, Erma, and their son…

Carl Koch and Joyce Heil Fund
Carl Koch and Joyce Heil established this donor advised fund to support their favorite charities. Upon their passing, the fund will continue…

Carol A. Dobrunz Memorial Scholarship
Carol Dobrunz was a proud Logan alumnus who was inducted into the Logan High School Wall of Fame in 1998. Carol taught…

Carol and Duane Taebel Family Fund
Carol established this fund to honor her husband Duane's memory and his many contributions to the medical community, their church, and involvement…

Carol Taebel "Thank a Teacher" Fund
Carol established this designated fund to support teacher appreciation activities within the School District of La Crosse. As a retired public school…

Carrol J. Riley-DeGier Fund
Carrol J. Riley-DeGier was a devoted member of the animal rescue community. For almost her entire life she was tirelessly rescuing animals…

Centering Onalaska Flower Basket Endowment Fund
Centering Onalaska volunteers have fundraised to purchase and maintain the 56 hanging flower baskets on Main Street, in Dash Park, and at…

Chad Erickson Memorial Park Fund
In 2011, the City of La Crosse approved the establishment of the Chad Erickson Memorial Park, a 22 acre park area, containing…

Charles and Cheryl Hanson Riverside International Friendship Gardens Fund
This fund was established by Charles and Cheryl Hanson to promote and sustain the vision of the Riverside International Friendship Gardens, which…

Charles F. and Leah M. Mathy Fund
Established with hundreds of memorials honoring Mr. Mathy, this advised fund honors the second generation leadership of the Mathy Construction Company. The…

Charles F. Mathy Family Fund
The Mathy Family Fund is a memorial to Chuck Mathy and is advised by Leah and Debra Mathy.

Cheryl and Cindy Vieth Fund
Cheryl and her sister Cindy are longtime La Crosse residents who have both worked at Gundersen Health System in various roles for…

Chester and Veronica Ware Fund
Established by a bequest from Veronica "Bette" Ware, the Ware Fund supports the Gundersen Medical Foundation Hospice, Salvation Army, the Red Cross…

Children's Museum of La Crosse Endowment
The mission of the Children's Museum of La Crosse is to help the young and the young at heart learn, connect and…

Chloe Kay Eckelberg Memorial Scholarship
This memorial scholarship was established in 2020 after the loss of Chloe Kay Eckelberg. Chloe, the daughter of Jonathan and Amy Eckelberg…

Christ Episcopal Church Historic Preservation Endowment
Continuing a preservation effort of the oldest church in La Crosse, this endowment assists in preserving the appearance and physical integrity of…

City of La Crosse Arts Board Fund
The City of La Crosse Arts Board established this quasi-endowed fund to support its mission, which includes seeking non-City funding for the…

City of La Crosse Overflow Winter Shelter Campaign Fund
This fund was established at the request of the City of La Crosse to accept community donations from individuals who are interested…

Clayton and Vivian Veum Scholarship
The Vivian and Clayton Veum Scholarship, established by a bequest from Vivian Veum, provides scholarships for students graduating from nine area high…

CMG Women's Fund
This fund, established to honor Carroll McCarty Gundersen, provides support to the Women's Fund of Greater La Crosse.

Community Giving Fund
The most flexible of La Crosse Area Community Foundation's perpetually endowed funds, it can respond quickly to changing community needs because its…

Connie Repnik Memorial Fund
Connie Repnik left a bequest establishing the Connie Repnik Memorial Fund. The earnings from this fund benefit Bethany Riverside, Our Savior's Lutheran…

Corinne Zielke Fund
A bequest from Corinne Zielke, a successful businesswoman who died in 2000, established this fund to support baseball in the community.

Coulee Council on Addictions Endowment
Coulee Council on Addictions provides confidential help to individuals and families impacted by addiction. Their vision is to help every individual and…

Coulee Region Engineering Scholarship
This fund is an outgrowth of an annual scholarship, awarded by the Western Chapter of the Wisconsin Society of Professional Engineers. The…

Coulee Region White Cane Club Fund
To support vision needs with an emphasis on school adaptive equipment for visual needs or other vision assistance provided by qualified education…

Coulee Region Whole Child Scholarship Fund
This fund provides scholarships to graduates of local high schools within the CESA #4 district. Criteria for this scholarship includes students displaying…

D. E. Field Scholarship
D.E. Field served as Logan High School's first principal from 1928-1966. This scholarship is awarded to a Logan High School senior who…

Da Capo Concert Band Endowment Fund
This permanently endowed agency fund was established by the Da Capo Concert Band's board of directors in 2022 to help ensure support…

Daniel's Song
Mark and Minda Chamberlain established this donor advised fund in memory of their son, Daniel, who lost his life May 19, 2017…

David and Sandra Whiteley Scholarship
The David and Sandra Whiteley Scholarship provides scholarships to Central High School graduates who are the first in their families to attend…

David R. Morrison Family Fund
An advised fund established by David Morrison who served on the Foundation Board from 2004 - 2013 and as its board chair…

Davy Family Fund
Initiated with a bequest from Philip S. Davy, this fund receives additional support from the Davy family and Davy Engineering Company. Annual…

DG & B Fund
This donor advised fund makes grants to charitable organizations, especially organizations supporting health and human services for community members in the La…

Don Olson Hospitality Scholarship
Don Olson began his career in the hospitality industry in 1946 and went on to be one of the founding 15 employees…

Donald P. Weber Veteran Scholarship Fund
Since 2008, LHI and the Weber family provided scholarships for area Veterans with the proceeds of the ever-popular Freedom Fest event held…

Dorinda Hawk Music Scholarship Fund
The Dorinda Hawk Music Scholarship was established through a bequest to the La Crosse Area Community Foundation by Dorinda Hawk, a long…

Dr. Archie and Rosemary Britt Family Fund
A designated fund established by Dr. Archie and Rosemary Britt. Annual distributions support Family & Children's Center, Boys & Girls Clubs of…

Dr. David L. and Sacia B. Morris Fund
A designated fund supporting Great Rivers United Way of La Crosse, United Fund for Arts and Humanities and La Crosse Area Community…

Dr. Frank Furlano Family Fund
The Dr. Frank Furlano Fund was established to recognize his many accomplishments following his death in 1991, at age 36, of a…

Dr. Gunnar and Mary Baldwin Gundersen Fund
This fund provides annual grants to Gundersen Medical Foundation for dementia research, La Crosse Area Community Foundation for innovative grants, La Crosse…

Dr. Robert Weber Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Dr. Robert Weber Memorial Scholarship is for Onalaska High School seniors that aspire to go into a helping industry, with education…

Duane and Carol Taebel Fund
The Duane and Carol Taebel Fund assists several organizations including the Coulee Region Humane Society, Gundersen Medical Foundation, Riverfront Foundation, English Lutheran…

Durtsche Family Fund
The Durtsche Family Fund was established by former Foundation Board Member Sue Durtsche and her husband, Tim, to support causes, primarily in…

Ella F. Ambrosius Fund
This fund was established in 1975 by Ella F. Ambrosius, a well-known La Crosse piano teacher. This is a designated fund supporting…

Ellen and Henry Funk Family Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Funk established this family fund in appreciation of the blessings of their lives, including their marriage that produced seven…

Embracing Women
Nancy established this fund to support women in all facets of life, including general healthcare needs and reproductive education.

Emeriti Memorial Fund for the UWL English Department
Dr. Thomas Pribek, a retired English Professor from UW-La Crosse, established this fund to support two annual scholarship awards. The first is…

Endrizzi Family Fund
The Endrizzi family has called the La Crosse area home for over 20 years. Their donor advised fund supports several local nonprofits and…

Eric and Sandy Brekke Family Fund
An advised fund established by Eric and Sandy Brekke and their family. Sandy currently serves on the Foundation's board of directors.

Eric and Vicki Wheeler Fund
This fund provides grants to various charitable organizations in support of the donors/advisor's interests.

Erickson Sisters' Fund
Kristin Erickson McCabe and Shannon Erickson Osley make grant recommendations in order to help people achieve great things with their lives.

Ernest and Olive Gershon Scholarship
The Ernest and Olive Gershon Fund provides scholarships to Western Technical College non-traditional students, preferably female, who have academic promise but…

Family Playhouse Scholarship
The Family Playhouse Theater Scholarship was established by the Theater's Board of Directors when it dissolved in 2002. Each spring the Family…

Father Christopher Pratt Memorial Fund
Father Pratt was a La Crosse priest who served the Episcopal Church for 27 years until his retirement in 1978 as rector…

Florence Hyatt Memorial Scholarship
The purpose of the Florence Hyatt Memorial Scholarship is to support a minimum of one annual scholarship for Onalaska High School seniors…

Forest Hills Park Pavilion Fund in memory of Jim Webb
This designated fund, established in memory of Jim Webb, supports maintenance of the Forest Hills Park Pavilion in the city of La…

Fowler Family Fund
The Fowler Family Fund was originally established by family members of the local construction company Fowler & Hammer which has been building…

Francie Ball & Mary O'Sullivan Fund
Donor advised fund to support educational travel to benefit people's understanding of, and appreciation for, other cultures and communities.

Fred and Deb Wakeen Fund
An acorn fund established by Fred and Deb Wakeen, who owned and operated Fayze's in downtown La Crosse for many years.
Fred and Mary Ann Funk Family Fund
The Fred and Mary Ann Funk Family Fund was established to improve the quality of life in the area by supporting programs…

Fund for Animal Welfare aka Kitty Cat and Puppy Dog Fund
This fund was created to support local animal charities dedicated to protecting and improving the lives of animals. The Fund for Animal…

Fund for the Arts
This field of interest fund was established by Sam Servais and Katie Berkedal to support the arts in La Crosse County.

Garrity-Gokey Fund
A donor-advised fund established by the Foundation’s Board of Directors in recognition of Sheila Garrity’s service to La Crosse Area Community Foundation…

Gelatt Siblings Fund
The Gelatt Siblings Fund is a donor advised fund that provides grants for charitable purposes.

George and Virginia Schneider Family Fund
The George and Virginia Schneider Fund was established by the 11 Schneider children in honor of their parents to support needy families…

Gerald and Marcella (Meyer) Horman Scholarship
Gerald and Marcella were lifelong residents of the greater La Crosse Area - Gerald from Onalaska and Marcella from Bangor. They established…

Gerald W. and Elizabeth M. Ostreng Endowment Fund
This fund was established through the estate of Gerald Ostreng. It was Gerald and Barbara's intent to create an endowed field of…

Gertrude and Donald "Sandy" Gordon Jazz Scholarship
This scholarship is in honor of Gertrude Salzer Gordon and her son, Donald "Sandy" Gordon, Jr. It provides annual scholarship support for…

Gertrude Salzer Gordon Concert in the Park Fund
This fund was created by Mrs. Gordon to support the Sunset Jazz Concert Series (now known as the Jazz in the Park…

Glendenning Family Fund
The Glendenning Family Fund was established by Jack and Rosanne Glendenning in 1995 to celebrate the success of Inland Printing and to…

Global Awareness Fund
The Global Awareness Fund was initiated by Rita McGaughey and funded through many other donors who shared Rita's vision. The fund supports…

Goodwill Industries of North Central Wisconsin Fund
This endowment fund was established to help create opportunities for people who have special needs to achieve full participation in the community…

Gordon W. & Barbara Gade Scholarship Fund
This fund supports an annual scholarship award to a student in the College of Business Administration at the University of Wisconsin –…

Gordon W. and Barbara Gade Fund
Gordon established this endowed fund in 2021 to provides annual grants in perpetuity to his and his late wife Barbara's favorite charitable…

Graw Family Fund
The Graw family established this donor advised fund to support the La Crosse community and their favorite charities.

Graw Fund for River Studies
Supports research within the River Studies program at the University of Wisconsin - La Crosse, namely to benefit the health of Pool…

Greatest Needs Fund
This fund accepts all unrestricted gifts. It provides support for immediate grantmaking to bolster our community impact through special strategic initiatives and…

Gretchen Guernsey Leigh Fund
Earnings from this fund support the La Crosse County Historical Society, La Crosse Community Theatre, and St. Clare Health Mission.

Guentner-Froegel Family Fund
The Guentner-Froegel Family Fund supports various charities at the recommendation of past La Crosse Area Community Foundation Board Chair Anita Froegel (1995…

Harold "Pete" Isenman Fund
The Harold "Pete" Isenman Fund supports the First Evangelical Lutheran Church, cancer research, and children who have developmental disabilities.

Harold E. Lemke Fund
This fund was established to provide scholarships for Onalaska students and to support projects of benefit to residents within the city of…

Harry L. and Charlotte L. Woods Family Fund
The Harry and Charlotte Woods Family Fund was established to support Aquinas Catholic Schools, First Presbyterian Church of La Crosse, and Gundersen…

Heather & Stephen Ross and Maureen & Robert Freedland LPEF Fund for Diversity Education
This designated fund was established to give perpetual support to the La Crosse Public Education Foundation for the purpose of providing annual…

Hilda Stuttgen Memorial Fund for St. Clare Health Mission
The fund holder once asked their mother: As a little girl, what did you wish for yourself? She said she wanted to…

Hixon House Fund
The Hixon House located at 429 7th St. North in La Crosse was built for Gideon and Ellen Hixon in 1858. Gideon…

Homeless Jesus Fund
This fund was inspired by a replica of a Homeless Jesus sculpture that was gifted to the fund holder. The image depicts…

Hood-Weese-Miller Scholarship
This fund provides scholarships for Logan High School seniors who have shown outstanding academic performance.

Howard Dahl Fund
The Howard Dahl Fund, established through his estate, supports diabetes research.

Hutson Family Fund
Mike Hutson served as a Board Member for 10 years. The Hutson Family has lived and worked in the La Crosse area…

Inez and Nick Konas Memorial Scholarship
A scholarship established by Dr. Gary Konas, a retired UW-La Crosse English professor, and his sister Stephanie West, in memory of their…

Jack and Marti Schwem Fund
Jack and Marti Schwem established this fund because they wanted to invest in the community where they raised their family. The fund…

Jacob Christian Lillejord Memorial Fund aka "Jacob's Ladder"
Also known as "Jacob's Ladder," this fund supports Coulee Council on Addictions in memory of Jacob Lillejord who passed away in 2008.

Jacquie M Favreau Kennedy Fund for Communities in Schools of the Charleston Area
Jacqui Favreau Kennedy served in the Charleston, SC Mayor's Office for 15 years as Executive Director for Children, Youth and Family Services…

Jacquie M Favreau Kennedy Fund for NAMI Wisconsin
Jacqui Favreau Kennedy served in the Charleston, SC Mayor's Office for 15 years as Executive Director for Children, Youth and Family Services…

Jacquie M Favreau Kennedy Fund for Our Lady of Mercy Community Outreach Services
Jacqui Favreau Kennedy served in the Charleston, SC Mayor's Office for 15 years as Executive Director for Children, Youth and Family Services…

Jacquie M Favreau Kennedy Fund for the Society of St. Vincent De Paul Madison
Jacqui Favreau Kennedy served in the Charleston, SC Mayor's Office for 15 years as Executive Director for Children, Youth and Family Services…

James and Dianne Seyler Fund
This fund was established by Dianne Seyler to support several of her favorite local charities including the For Goodness Sake holiday giving…

James and Ellen Heinecke Fund
The James and Ellen Heinecke Fund was established with a gift from Mr. and Mrs. Heinecke. Both James and Ellen were active…

James and Ellyn Ash Family Fund
The Ash Family Fund assists in supporting programs and services for people who are living in poverty. The fund is advised by…

James D. and Janice M. Hanesworth Fund
An advised fund established by James and Janice Hanesworth.

James G. Sauer Scholarship
Jim Sauer made his students at Central High School his priority; he will continue to help Central students each year through this…

James Gokey Endowment Fund aka Jim's Grocery Bag Fund
Jim's Grocery Bag Fund honors the memory of James Gokey, a La Crosse attorney who died in 1998. Jim's Grocery Bag provides…

James R. Conway Class of '55 Logan High School Scholarship
The James R. Conway Class of 1955 Logan High Scholarship extends significant scholarship support each spring to Logan High School students.

James Rothwell Caregiver Fund
This fund was established in memory of a loved one who lived with dementia. Distributions are designated to the Aging and Disability…

The JARD Fund is focused on assisting charitable organizations primarily in the La Crosse area.

Jason David Koppelman Scholarship
This designated scholarship , based at the University of Wisconsin - La Crosse, was set up in memory of 19-year-old Jason who…

Jay F. Leinfelder, Jr. Memorial Scholarship
John and Barbara Leinfelder established this scholarship to honor their son, Jay. Jay was a talented athlete, particularly enjoying competitive skiing. The…

Jean Gitz Bassett First Presbyterian Church of La Crosse Fund
Designated fund established through a bequest from Jean Gitz Bassett to support her church in perpetuity.

Jean Gitz Bassett Fund
This fund supports community programs that teach family values, and that support the development of strong, loving families.

Jean L. Foss-Norene A. Smith Fund - WF
A designated fund established by Norene Smith in memory of Jean Foss. The fund's annual earnings are awarded to the Women's Fund…

Jenny and Tom Walter Fund
This is a field of interest acorn fund developing to support Arts & Humanities and Health& Human Services.

Jim and Julia Jespersen Fund
The Jim and Julia Jespersen Fund exists to support our community and beyond.

Jim's Grocery Bag-Schroeder Fund
Barbara Schroeder appreciated the challenges faced by young people who need adequate nutrition in order to do well in school. This fund's…

Joan and Paul Schoenfeld Fund-WF
A designated fund established by Joan and Paul Schoenfeld. The fund's annual earnings are granted to the Women's Fund of Greater La…

John and Adeline Rice Scholarship
The John and Adeline Rice Scholarship was established by Adeline Rice, who died on Christmas Day 2001. The Rice Scholarship provides scholarships…

John and Barbara Leinfelder Family Fund
This donor advised fund provides grants to various charitable organizations in support of the donor's interests.

John and Ruth Sherman Scholarship
Established by John and Ruth Sherman. Both Mr. and Mrs. Sherman passed away in 2011 and a significant bequest from their will…

John Edwards and Frances Lee-Edwards Fund
John and Fran established this donor advised fund to support their many favorite charitable organizations in their community. They also named the…

Johns Flaherty Collins-Michael Stoker Memorial
This fund supports housing for needy families and people who are homeless. The Johns, Flaherty & Collins law practice based in La…

Joseph W. Kotnour Family Fund
Established by the wife and children of Joseph W. Kotnour Sr., this fund provides support for basic necessities for children in need.

Josephine Hintgen Scholarship
A bequest from Josephine Hintgen, who was a long-time administrator in the School District of La Crosse, established this fund to provide…

Judy and David Bouffleur Fund
This fund was established by Judy’s dear friends to honor her incredible service to the city of La Crosse. Judy has been…

Judy Corbett Hutchens Logan Extra Effort Scholarship Fund
The purpose of the fund is to provide financial assistance in the form of scholarships to graduates of Logan High School who…

Judy Corbett Hutchens Western Technical College Veterans Scholarship
The purpose of this fund is to support scholarships for Veterans who are pursuing higher education at Western Technical College in La…

Julianna and Steven Blanchar Kindergarten Trip Fund
The Steven and Julianna Blanchar Kindergarten Trip Fund was established as a memorial. Prior to their deaths in July 2001, 20-year-old Steven…

June Kjome Justice and Peace Fund
The June Kjome Justice and Peace Fund supports educational efforts which encourage community members to be informed about, and active in, issues…

Kaitlin Elizabeth Mahr Memorial Scholarship
The Kaitlin Elizabeth Mahr Memorial Scholarship Fund was established with memorials honoring Kaitlin's life. The fund supports scholarships at Onalaska High School…

Karen M. Wieser Nursing Scholarship Fund
Karen M. Wieser was the La Crescent-Hokah School District's School Nurse for over 20 years. Karen regarded nursing not as a job…

Kathryn, Olaus, and Dena Cappelen Fund
Kathryn Cappelen was a long time educator with the School District of La Crosse. She was also an active member of Our…

Kathy & Jack Lucey Family Fund for Alzheimer's
This donor advised fund was established by Kathy Lucey to honor two very special men in her life; her husband, Jack and…

Kent Grimslid Memorial Music Scholarship
This scholarship honors a young man who loved music. It assists Onalaska graduates who demonstrate an ability and participation in music activities…

Kerbaugh Family Fund
Donor advised fund established by Dr. Chris and Jane Kerbaugh to give back to their community in perpetuity, and instill a sense…

Kevin's Legacy Foundation Scholarship Fund
Kevin's Legacy Foundation was established in 2017 by family and friends of Kevin Romanowski who completed suicide at the age of 16…

Kids for Kids Fund-LPEF
Initiated by High School Show Choir students who wanted to make a difference, this fund supports dental and mental health programs in…

Kim & Kyle Donskey Charitable Fund
The Kim and Kyle Donskey Charitable Fund is a donor advised fund.

Kurt and Julie Schroeder Family Fund
The Schroeder Family Fund, established by Kurt and Julie, is their family's gift back to the community. Kurt and Julie are both…

La Crosse Bridge Builders Fund
The Bridge Builders Fund was established to promote communication, understanding and appreciation between the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community and the…

La Crosse Chamber Chorale Fund
The La Crosse Chamber Chorale is a volunteer, community-based choir whose singers are united by a love of choral singing. The Chorale…

La Crosse Community Theatre Endowment
La Crosse Community Theatre's mission is to honor and celebrate our rich theatrical heritage while establishing a sustainable foundation for years to…

La Crosse Concert Band Endowment
The La Crosse Concert Band Fund supports this musical organization comprised of professional adult and student musicians. Since 1930, La Crosse…

La Crosse County 4-H Fund
This agency endowment fund supports La Crosse County 4-H programs. La Crosse County 4-H offers many different youth development programs to help…

La Crosse County Historical Society Endowment
This fund, established by bequests from the Walter Sands, Clarence Smith, and Margaret Bott, supports ongoing operations of the La Crosse County…

La Crosse Curling Club Fund
This fund supports the construction of the new Veterans Freedom Park Recreational Center. The La Crosse Curling Club is building a multipurpose…

La Crosse Dubna Friendship Association David Bell Memorial Fund
The La Crosse Dubna Friendship Association's purpose is to develop relations of friendship and confidence with La Crosse's sister city of Dubna…

La Crosse Epinal Cultural Exchange Endowment Fund
This fund was created to support La Crosse's longest running sister city relationship. La Crosse Epinal Cultural Exchange works to serve as…

La Crosse Family and Children's Center Endowment
Family & Children's Center serves children, families and individuals with a continuum of services designed to strengthen families and promote individual wellbeing…

La Crosse Jazz Orchestra Fund

The La Crosse Jazz Orchestra is western Wisconsin's premier big band. Directed by Greg Balfany, the group is best known through its…

La Crosse Knights of Columbus Charity Fund
The Knights of Columbus Fund advises grants to organizations that enhance the community in the Catholic faith tradition or provide education, humanitarian…

La Crosse Police Drone Fund
This fund's restricted purpose is to accept charitable contributions to support the La Crosse Police Department in purchasing new drone equipment and…

La Crosse Police K-9 Program Fund
This fund was established by the La Crosse Police Department to accept charitable contributions from the community to support the K-9 Unit…

La Crosse Public Education Foundation Endowment
The mission of the La Crosse Public Education Foundation is to enhance learning opportunities for students in the School District of…

La Crosse Public Education Foundation- Swantz Fund
When Richard Swantz retired as superintendent of the School District of La Crosse in 1998, the La Crosse Public Education Foundation established…

La Crosse Public Elementary School Field Trip Fund
This fund annually supports field trips for La Crosse Public Elementary School students.

La Crosse SOUP Fund

La Crosse SOUP's mission is to promote community-based development through crowdfunding, creativity, collaboration, trust and fun. This is accomplished through quarterly micro-granting…

Lenna Campbell Fund
This fund was established though a bequest for Lenna S. Campbell. Lenna established this fund before her passing, determining the fund is…

Logan High School Math and Computer Science Scholarship
In 2002, a local family established this scholarship for a student who has graduated from Logan High School, is a full-time undergraduate…

Logan Opportunity Scholarship
This scholarship was established with the transfer of assets from a private family foundation and supports Logan High School graduates who show…

Lois M. Craig Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established through a bequest from Lois M. Craig. The fund awards several annual scholarships to female students pursuing degrees…

Lommen Boys & Girls Club Scholarship
The Lommen Boys' and Girls' Club Scholarship is awarded each spring to a young person who participates in Club activities. Every year…

Lori Lynn (Rinartz) Horman & Deanna Lynn (Horman) Mason Nursing Scholarship
Established in honor of Lori Lynn (Rinartz) Horman & Deanna Lynn (Horman) Mason to provide financial assistance in the form of scholarships…

Louis I. Rehfuss Fund
In 1959 Mr. Louis Rehfuss donated land to the Foundation with the request that proceeds from its sale be used particularly in…

Lown Family Fund
This fund was established by the Lown family to support their charitable interest areas locally and around the world.

M. Elizabeth Cason Fund
This designated fund supports many community agencies including St. Clare Health Mission, WAFER, and New Horizons Shelter and Outreach Centers.

Magerus-McKinney Fund
The Magerus/McKinney Fund was established by John Magerus and Everett McKinney in 2002. This donor advised fund supports educational events and…

Margaret Forseth Burgess Music Fund
This fund, established in memory of Margaret Forseth Burgess by her son James, provides annual funding for a special guest artist's performance…

Margery J. Stansfield Fund
An unrestricted fund established by Margery Stansfield. The Foundation's board of directors awards annual grants from this fund.

Marian Mieden Early Childhood Education Scholarship
The Marian Mieden Early Childhood Education Scholarship honors Marian Mieden, a pioneer educator in early childhood education who left a positive and…

Marie Louise Lokken Fund
Supports the La Crosse Symphony Orchestra with grants for composition pieces, to host guest conductors or provide programming within the City of…

Mark David Peacock Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to a Central High School graduate who plans to attend the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse to major in…

Marta Martinez and William Katra
The Marta Martinez and William Katra Fund is a donor advised fund that supports a variety of local and national nonprofits.

Marv and Annette Friedewald Fund
This donor advised fund was established by Annette Friedewald to help honor her beloved husband, Marv. This fund provides grants to various…

Mary Grace Sieber Fund
Through a bequest, Mary Grace Sieber established a fund to ensure that young people living with physical, emotional or mental disabilities have…

Mary Jane Bice Fund
This scholarship fund was established in memory of her parents, Mary Louisa and Frederick T. Whitbeck, and her first husband, Alfred W…

Maureen and Robert Freedland Community Fund for Studies of the Shoah (Holocaust)
This fund was established in memory of family members and others who perished in the Shoah. It is dedicated to all who…

Maureen and Robert Freedland-LPEF Fund for Studies of the Shoah
This fund was established in memory of family members and others who perished in the Shoah. It is dedicated to all who…
Maureen Freedland Social and Environmental Justice Fund
An acorn donor advised fund established in honor of Maureen's service to the community by her husband Robert. It will be advised…

Maureen L. Kinney Fund
A field of interest fund that extends grant support to organizations whose missions support environmental education, and arts/cultural programs in the community…

Mental Health Coalition Endowment
The Mental Health Coalition is a voice for people and their loved ones whose concerns often are not heard in the…

Michael & Carol Mader Family Fund
This designated fund was established to support WAFER, the Roncalli Newman Catholic Center, Salvation Army, and New Horizons Shelter.

Mildred Craig Rotary Scholarship Fund
This fund was first established by the Rotary Club of La Crosse - North in the early 1990s. This Club ceased to…

Milo and Beverly Mayer Mach Family Fund
This fund supports the United Fund for the Arts and Humanities, New Horizons Shelter and Outreach Centers, La Crosse County Historical Society…

Mitchell-Kruck Scholarship
The Mitchell-Kruck Scholarship provides a scholarship, designated at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, for a student from the La Crosse area with…

MLB MKB Bottcher Family Fund
The MLB-MKB Bottcher Fund is a donor advised fund established to benefit area organizations.

Morris A. and Roberta Anne Severson Fund
This advised fund was established to support behavioral health needs in the community. Several memorials honoring Morrie were added to the fund…

Myrick Hixon EcoPark Fund
The Myrick Hixon EcoPark Fund was established when the organization discontinued and transferred its remaining assets to the La Crosse Area Community…

Nancy Fulkerson Hill and Edwin L. Hill Designated Fund
A designated fund supporting Mississippi Valley Conservancy, UWL Foundation (for the Murphy Library), Holmen Area Foundation, La Crosse Public Education Foundation, Friends…

Nancy Fulkerson Hill and Edwin L. Hill Fund
Donor advised fund established to support Ed and Nancy's many and varied interests such as bluff land preservation, libraries, civic engagement, education…

National Youth Sports Program Fund
This endowment was originally established as an agency fund to support the National Youth Sports Program, which subsequently discontinued. In 2006…

Neil P. Hengst Extra Effort Scholarship
The Neil P. Hengst Scholarship assists La Crosse area high school graduates who have physical or mental disabilities and plan to attend…

Nicholas Byrne Padesky Scholarship Fund
To recognize their son Nicholas' high school graduation, Tim Padesky and Tara Johnson made a gift to the Foundation that Nicholas decided…

Nina Vanderzee Memorial Scholarship
Established by Nina's daughter, Carol, to honor the long-time Bangor resident who passed away in 1987 at the age of 82. The…

Norma J. Panka & William J. Panka Fund
This designated fund supported by a bequest from the Panka's have identified several churches and human services organizations to receive grants from…

Norma J. Valley Panka & William J. Panka Scholarship Fund
The Panka scholarship is awarded to a student graduating from Prairie du Chien High School who will attend Western Technical College in…

Norman L. Gillette, Sr. Family Fund
This fund was established to serve a wide spectrum of community needs. Norman L. Gillette, Sr. began the Pepsi-Cola distributorship in La…

Onalaska Education Foundation Acts of Kindness Endowment
This fund was established by the Board of Directors of the Onalaska Education Foundation to permanently endow their Random Acts of Kindness…

Onalaska Foundation for Educational Excellence, Inc. Fund
The Onalaska Foundation for Educational Excellence was established to strengthen community participation in Onalaska public and private schools. Each year earnings support…

Pamela and Richard Strauss Fund-WF
A designated fund established by Pamela and Richard Strauss. The fund's annual earnings are awarded to the Women's Fund of Greater…

Payton Zietlow Memorial Fund
This donor advised fund is a memorial to Payton Zietlow who passed away in the Fall of 2021. It is advised by…

Peter DeCicco Scholarship
This scholarship was established as a memorial to Dr. DeCicco by his wife, Sharon, and their children. The scholarship is awarded to…

Pettibone Park Commission Endowment
The Pettibone Park Fund exists for the benefit and improvement of Pettibone Park. The Parks, Recreation, & Foresty Department of the City…

PMJ Fund
The PMJ Fund was originally a donor advised fund established by a longtime board member. With her death in 2017, the fund…

Prairie Springs: The Paul Fleckenstein Trust Fund
This designated fund supports the University of Wisconsin - La Crosse River Studies Center. Its express purpose is to fund the construction…

R and S Wieser Family Fund
The R and S Wieser Family Fund is a donor advised fund established in Michael Wieser's memory to primarily support his scholarship…

R. J. Reinhart Fund for Mental Health
The R. J. Reinhart Fund for Mental Health was established to support causes, primarily in the La Crosse area, that address mental…

Ralph F. Cowgill and Winnie Rhea Wroten Cowgill Family Fund
This designated fund was established by Ralph and Winnie's daughter Bobbie (Barbara) to honor her parents' lifelong interest in education and family…

Ralph Schultz Scholarship
A scholarship established by Ralph's mother, Luella Schultz, to encourage Logan High School football players to continue their academic studies at a…

Randy Smith Leadership Fund
Established in 2001 by the board of directors of City Brewery to honor Randy Smith, this scholarship assists La Crosse area students…

Rev. Ronald and Merle Gustafson Fund
The Reverend Ronald and Merle Gustafson Fund supports many interests including violence prevention efforts. Rev. Gustafson served as pastor of First Presbyterian…

Richard Dick Wolfe Class of 1951 Logan High School Scholarship
This scholarship was created by a gift from James Conway in memory of his friend, Richard Dick Wolfe, who graduated from Logan…

Richard H. Masrud Memorial Fund
The Richard H. Masrud Memorial Fund was established through the estate of Richard H. Masrud by his family. Rick was a cofounder…

Richard T. Record Fund
This fund assists people in their acquisition of writing skills, or to support the arts or music.

Richard W. Brown Family Fund
The Richard W. Brown Family Fund supports local nonprofit organizations and programs in education, the arts, family services, and other causes.

River Clean Up, La Crosse Fund

We appreciate your interest in the River Clean Up - La Crosse area. Mississippi River Clean Up La Crosse began in 1993…

Riverside International Friendship Gardens Fund
This fund was established to help ensure the Riverside International Friendship Gardens remain a place of beauty reflecting our appreciation for the…

Robert & Eleanor Franke Charitable Fund
Bob and Eleanor Franke lived modestly and were kind, private people committed to doing good in their community. This fund was established…

Roberta Zurn Fund
The Roberta Zurn Fund was established at the request of the Women's Fund Board of Directors to honor the late Roberta Zurn…

Roch Kendrick Memorial Fund
Established as a memorial to Roch D. Kendrick, son of Betty and Dale Kendrick, this designated fund provides support for fishing. Roch…

Rockin Robyn Scholarship
Established in memory of Robyn Dockens by her sister and friends in the Gale-Ettrick-Trempealeau community. The fund receives proceeds from an annual…

Roger and Angeline Haag Scholarship Fund
The fund was established through a bequest from Angeline Haag who passed on June 19, 2021. The Roger and Angeline Haag Scholarship…

Roland and Janeane Solberg Family Fund
An advised fund established by Roland and Janeane Solberg.
Roland Beranek Fund
The Roland Beranek Fund provides grants to environmental and outdoor educational programs, particularly those that align with Rollie's interests of trapping and…

Ron and Jane Rada Fund
Ron and Jane Rada established this fund according to Jane "because of the philosophy and demonstrated positive impact of the Community Foundation…

Ronald & Valerie Burman Fund for Visual Arts
This fund was established by Ron Burman, in memory of his beloved wife Valerie, to support the Coulee Region Alliance for the…

Ronald S. Burman Fund for the American Friends Service Committee
The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) is a Quaker organization that promotes lasting peace with justice, as a practical expression of faith…

Rotary Works Legacy Club Endowment Fund
The Rotary Works Foundation encourages local Rotarians and Rotary clubs to raise and distribute funds to worthy local and international projects. This…

Roy E. and Lillian Hope Kumm Fund
The Kumm Fund was established by L. Hope Kumm to support La Crosse area charitable and educational organizations. Hope and her husband…

Rudy and Jean Schnurrer Fund
The Rudy and Jean Schnurrer Fund provides support for the changing needs of the community. Mr. Schnurrer established this fund to assist…

Russell G. and Gail K. Cleary Fund
The Cleary family has lived in La Crosse for more than five generations. Russ and Gail were both raised with the strong…

Ruth M. Dalton, M.D. Fund
A designated fund started by former La Crosse Area Community Foundation Board Chair Ruth Dalton to perpetually assist Mayo Clinic Health System…

Ruth M. Dalton, M.D. Juliette Low Scholarship
A designated fund that provides scholarship support at Viterbo University to former Girl Scouts from troops in the Badgerland Council area. To…

Sally A. Grimslid Memorial Fund for Northside Elementary
The Sally A. Grimslid Memorial Fund for Franklin Elementary (now Northside Elementary) was established by the La Crosse Public Education Foundation and…

Salvation Army, La Crosse WI Endowment
When the La Crosse Industrial Association dissolved, remaining assets were utilized to establish the Salvation Army , La Crosse WI Endowment. The…

Samuel D. and Charlet S. Sperbeck Scholarship Fund
This is an acorn Scholarship Fund, which will eventually award a graduating La Crescent-Hokah High School senior majoring in Communication Sciences or…

Samuel W. Mahr Scholarship Fund
The Samuel W. Mahr Scholarship will award an Onalaska High School graduate advocating to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health and/or struggling…

Sandy Castek Fund for Empowering Women
This fund was established by Sandy Castek to support programs that help local, single mothers build their self-sufficiency. It is Sandy's wish…

Schilling Family Fund
Established by Chip and Amy Schilling, this fund recognizes the longtime roots of this family and the bright future for the community…

Schloegel Family Fund for Kids
Jamie and Joe Schloegel established this donor advised fund after Jamie became the La Crosse Area Community Foundation's Executive Director in June…

Scott and Heidi Blanke Family Fund
The Blanke Fund provides scholarships for nursing students at Western Technical College.

Scott Henke Memorial Fund for the Care and Shelter of Animals
A designated fund established in Scott's memory by his father and sister to support area animal shelters. The fund's annual distributions rotate…

Senior Airman Adam Servais Memorial Scholarship
The Senior Airman Adam Servais Memorial Scholarship was established to honor Adam Servais, a 2001 graduate of Onalaska High School. Adam was…

Shelterbelt Fund
A shelterbelt is a line of trees and/or shrubbery that is planted to protect against strong winds and erosion and advances sustainability. Dr. Gabe…

Sondra and Roger LeGrand Family Fund
This fund is advised by Sondra and Roger LeGrand and their daughters, Julia and Erica. It is an acorn fund from which…
Special Initiative Fund
The Special Initiative Fund is designed to serve community needs identified and prioritized by our current Board of Directors. This Fund's assets…

St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church of Onalaska Fund
The St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church Endowment was established by the Bernard and Mary Pralle family to encourage other members of St…

St. Paul's Lutheran Church of La Crosse Legacy Fund
After serving the La Crosse Community for nearly 150 years, St. Paul's Luthern Church dissolved in August 2019. This fund was established…

Stars of Tomorrow Endowment
This fund was originally established by the founders of Stars of Tomorrow, a charitable organization that hosted youth baseball and softball tournaments…

Stephen and Katherine Webster Fund
An acorn fund established by Stephan and Katherine to support projects the Webster's believe improve the quality of life in the…
Steven P. and Suzanne R. Tanke Family Fund
This fund assists important non-profit agencies in the La Crosse area.

Strong Girls Strong Women Fund
A donor advised fund established by Layna Padesky with gifts made by her parents Tim Padesky and Tara Johnson, and others, in…

Sullivan Fund
The Sullivan Fund is a donor advised fund established by Joan and Paul Schoenfeld to honor Joan's parents, Maurice and Delia Sullivan…

Sundet Family Fund
This fund was established by Barb Sundet Davis to honor her mother Betty Sundet. Mrs. Sundet raised three children and was active…

Susan M Quillin Fund
Sue originally established this fund in 2018 to support her favorite local nonprofit organizations. When she passed in 2022, the fund received…

Tammy and Allen Becker Family Pay It Forward Scholarship Fund
Tammy and Allen Becker established this scholarship fund as a way to give back to the community that has supported the growth…

The Anthony Fund

The Anthony Fund was established in memory of Anthony Fimple as a tribute to his kind spirit, giving nature, and dedication to…

The Bonney Family Fund
Greg and Beth Bonney established this family donor advised fund in 2015. According to Beth, "we have found La Crosse to be…

The Covenant Fund
Donor advised fund established by a local family to support many programs that assist young people and families that face challenges in…

The Elizabeth Fund for Literacy and Well-Being
A field of interest fund established by Mary Elizabeth Veldey to invite and motivate others to join in supporting both literacy and…

The Elliott Family Fund
The Elliot Family Fund is a donor advised fund which supports various non-profit organizations.

The Lagniappe Fund
The Lagniappe Fund was established to provide a little extra financial help to nonprofit organizations focusing on animals, the environment and small…

Tina Schwier Memorial Scholarship
Tina Schwier passed away in May 2018 after a long battle with breast cancer. This fund was established in her memory by…

Todd and Deb Mahr Family Fund
The Todd and Deb Mahr Family Fund is a donor advised fund established by the Mahr family to improve the quality of…

Tom & Trudy Kennedy Endowment Fund aka Tom's Grocery Bag Fund
Onalaska residents Tom and Trudy Kennedy established the Tom's Grocery Bag Fund to assist Onalaska area students in meeting their basic needs…

Tom and Ann Monson Family Fund
The Tom and Ann Monson Family Fund was established to support and encourage nonprofits that improve the quality of life in the…

Tom and Judy Sleik Family Fund
The Sleik Family Fund's designated beneficiaries include St. Claire Health Mission, Salvation Army, La Crosse Public Education Foundation, and La Crosse Public…

Tom and Laurie Berkedal Family Fund
This donor advised fund supports various qualified non-profit organizations.

United Fund for the Arts and Humanities Endowment
The United Fund for the Arts and Humanities Endowment Fund provides for the perpetual support of the arts and humanities of La…

Valerie Burman Art Plus Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in Valerie's memory by her husband Ron. Valerie received awards to pursue a double major in both art…

Valerie Burman Master of Fine Arts Fellowship
This fund provides a memorial fellowship scholarship to students pursing a Master of Fine Arts at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities…

Veterans Freedom Park Improvement Fund
Veterans Freedom Park in La Crosse is a tribute to the sacrifices of veterans from various conflicts and branches of military. The…

Wayne J. Hood Fund
The Wayne J. Hood Fund supports the Gateway Area Council of the Boy Scouts of America, the YMCA of La Crosse, and…

WE Charities Donor Advised Fund
A Donor Advised fund that supports many charitable interests including health and human services and education.

Will and Charlie Nordeen "May the Force Be With You"
Life needs a lot of humor, according to Will and Charlie Nordeen's mom and La Crosse Area Community Foundation board member Julie…

William & Cynthia Berg Family Fund
An advised fund established by William and Cynthia Berg and their family.

William C. Jr. and Scott Pickett Memorial Fund
This designated fund supports the local NAMI group and First Congregational Church.

William E. Storandt Scholarship
The William E. Storandt Scholarship was established with a bequest from Mr. Storandt to assist graduates of Melrose-Mindoro High School who plan…

William P. and Lorna C. Vafeas Art Scholarship
The William and Lorna Vafeas Art Scholarship is awarded each spring to promising art students graduating from Central, Logan, and Aquinas High…

William S. Case Scholarship
Nellie L. Case established this fund through her will in memory of her son, William, in 1969. William S. Case Scholarship Awards…

Wishland Pony Express Fund
Established by a transfer of assets from another foundation, the Wishland Pony Express Fund allows grants to fulfill wishes to critically ill…

Women's Fund of Greater La Crosse
The Women's Fund exists to encourage the advancement and full participation of women and girls in society by promoting their full range…

YMCA Memorial Fund
The YMCA Memorial Fund at the La Crosse Area Community Foundation was established to honor the memory of friends of the YMCA…