Donor Stories

The Uncommon Philanthropy of Marta & Bill

September 6, 2024

By La Crosse Community Foundation

Philanthropiss Bill Katra and Marta Martinez stand in front of a mountain on snow-covered ground.Philanthropy has been a way of life

The story of Marta Martinez and Bill Katra illustrates how personal journeys and shared values can intertwine to improve communities. The two met in 1966 during Bill’s two year-service with the Peace Corps in Marta’s small, rural hometown in Uruguay. Their story, marked by separation (of 41 years!) and reunion, ultimately led them to La Crosse, where their shared commitment to giving back found a new expression through the creation of The Marta Martinez and William Katra Fund.

“Our history of giving isn’t just a recent endeavor; it’s been a lifelong journey for both of us,” Bill says.


He coined the term “philanthro-tourism” to describe the five trips they’ve made to install electric wiring in humble residential homes in four different Latin American communities. In addition, this past year they provided over $20,000 to assist two children’s homes in Peru and Honduras, construct a new schoolroom in a Mayan community in Honduras, and improve the homes of four families in need in Mexico.

“Our efforts have always been about making a tangible difference,” he adds.

Their decision to establish a donor-advised fund with La Crosse Community Foundation was a natural progression of their philanthropy journey. Having built a successful family business in remodeling and house rentals, Marta and Bill reached a point where they sought to simplify their lives, a decision that coincided with a year of significant capital gains.

“The foundation was a perfect fit for us,” Bill explains. “It allowed us to make a substantial, tax-deductible contribution in a year when it mattered most, extending our ability to give back over many years.”

Personal journeys and shared values drive philanthropy

Marta and Bill’s philanthropic philosophy is rooted in their personal histories and experiences. Bill’s writings and travels in Latin America led to a deep sense of solidarity with those in difficult circumstances. Marta, hailing from a family of nine raised by a single mother in Uruguay, understands the struggles of poverty firsthand and has lived through the challenges many of their beneficiaries face. Education was her ladder out of poverty.

They are particularly interested in helping youth struggling to improve their lives. They currently assist five students in Uruguay, including two studying medicine, one pursuing biochemistry, one in international relations, and one in child development. Locally, they prioritize assistance to Spanish-speaking students at La Crosse’s three post-secondary institutions.

Marta and Bill also give to numerous organizations in La Crosse County, ranging from conservation to emergency aid.

“La Crosse Community Foundation has saved us a lot of time and a lot of hassle,” says Bill about their array of philanthropic activities.

Giving more than money

The couple’s efforts have touched many lives. Marta, with her involvement in the Coulee Region Immigration Task Force, has become a key figure for many Spanish-speaking immigrants, assisting many in Western Wisconsin.

It’s evidence that their commitment extends beyond just writing checks; they actively engage with the communities and causes they support, seeking to understand their needs and how best to meet them.

As they look to the future, Marta and Bill hope to inspire others to give back, emphasizing the importance of personal connection and the impact of collective efforts.

“The day you are not doing something for someone else, even something small, is a day not lived to its fullest,” says Marta, echoing the values guiding their philanthropic journey.