Upcoming Trainings

Fundamentals of Nonprofit Finance

We partner with Propel Nonprofits of the Twin Cities to bring their “Fundamentals of Nonprofit Finance” workshop to La Crosse. This workshop is offered regularly through their website for $85, and we are proud to offer it to La Crosse area community members free of charge. You will gain an understanding of nonprofit finance terminology, accounting rules, roles and responsibilities, and procedures and policies.

Next Upcoming Session Dates

Friday, April 4 from 8 am – 11 am (Virtual)

Email: Ellen Heydon, Grants Specialist to reserve your spot. ellen@lacrosseareafoundation.org

What to expect from the workshop

This training is designed to make you more comfortable with nonprofit finance. We’ll walk through nonprofit financial reports including the income statement (statement of activities) and balance sheet (statement of financial position). You will gain an understanding of nonprofit finance terminology, financial statements, and staff and board roles and responsibilities. This workshop is right for you if you are new to the nonprofit sector, nonprofit finance, or your position as staff or board member.

Fundamentals of Nonprofit Board Governance Training

Register for Board of Directors Training

We partner with Propel Nonprofits of the Twin Cities to bring their “Fundamentals of Nonprofit Board Governance” workshop to La Crosse. This workshop is offered regularly through their website for $85, and we are proud to offer it to La Crosse area community members free of charge.

Next Upcoming Session Dates

April 11 from 8 am to 11 am (Virtual)
To register email: ellen@lacrosseareafoundation.org

October 17, 2025 from 12 pm to 3 pm (Virtual)
To register email: ellen@lacrosseareafoundation.org

What to expect from the workshop

After completing the “Fundamentals of Nonprofit Board Governance” workshop, you will participate in board meetings and other engagements with more confidence and more knowledge about your role. You will learn typical board responsibilities and explore the nuances of board authority and relationships. Participants take home Propel’s Nonprofit Board Governance workbook, which includes the Fiduciary Duties of Directors of Charitable Organizations.

Who should sign up?

While this training is open to all, it is designed for those new to serving on a board or those who are contemplating joining a board.


Registration is on a first come, first-served basis. Please register to attend by emailing us at ellen@lacrosseareafoundation.org.

Mini Training Webinar

Annual Checklist: The Basics

Host: LACF on December 3, 2024