Board Member Matching Program


Board Member Matching Program

Are you looking to join a nonprofit board? Or are you a nonprofit looking for board members? If you answered “Yes!” to either question, then this new Board Member Matching Program is for you!

Join a Nonprofit Board

If you are looking to join a nonprofit board, then check out the list below of local nonprofits who seek experienced board candidates. Your unique skills and expertise might just be exactly what they’re looking for!

Once you find a nonprofit organization you’d like to serve, please complete and submit this Board Member Candidate Interest Form. You will indicate on the form which nonprofit(s) you are interested in, and we will forward to them your form. The nonprofit(s) will follow-up with you directly if they believe your skills and experience are a good match for what they currently need in a board member.

Looking for board  training?

If you would like to increase your understanding of board roles and responsibilities, we are proud to offer a new “Fundamentals of Nonprofit Board Governance” workshop. We are partnering with Propel Nonprofits from the Twin Cities to offer this course several times a year free of charge to folks in the La Crosse area (a $75 value). Click here to sign up

Find Board Members

Nonprofits looking for new board members can start their recruitment process here. Please note: The board member matching approach works best for organizations that:

  • Have been operating as a nonprofit for a year or more
  • Have a board in place with regular meetings and active board members at least in office positions
  • Are relatively stable organizationally and financially

If you meet all the above criteria, please complete the Nonprofit Seeking Board Members Intake Form to get started with your board member matching process. We’ll add you below to the “Nonprofit Board Opportunities” list where your posting will stay active for six months. You can decide to have us remove it prior to that, or ask us to renew your listing for an additional six months, with one year maximum.

If individuals are interested in serving on your board, they will submit the Board Member Candidate Interest Form and we will forward it to you.

If your organization does not meet the criteria listed above, you might find helpful this article from Propel Nonprofits about recruiting nonprofit board members:

Nonprofit Board Opportunities

The nonprofit organizations listed below are currently looking for candidates to fill board positions. If you are interesting in serving on any of the following nonprofit boards, please complete and submit this Board Member Candidate Interest Form. We will forward it to the nonprofit(s) you indicate on the form. The nonprofit(s) will then follow-up directly with you if they consider your skills and experience to be a good match for what they seek in a new board member.

Nonprofit organizations currently seeking new board members:

Next Steps for Change, Inc.

Mission: Next Steps for Change builds community-based support teams to connect with members of our community who suffer from substance use disorders. Our mission is to lead them to their next steps toward recovery though the use of peer support.

Type of charitable status: 501(c)3


Address: N5782 Lake Park Dr, Onalaska, WI 54650

Annual budget: $250,000

Number of paid staff in full time equivalents (FTEs): 1

Skills they’re looking for in a board member:

  • Board governance
  • Financial management
  • Human resources
  • Management and leadership
  • Marketing and PR
  • Technology
  • Fundraising
  • Legal
  • Grant writing
  • Public policy and advocacy
  • Strategic and business planning


We would like people who have some Board experience or are willing to go through trainings to learn. As a very new nonprofit, we have people with passion on our Board who helped get our organization started and now we are looking for people to help take it to the next level. Any of the skills listed as desired would be helpful, but board governance and financial management would be top priorities.

People in recovery and who bring the diversity of our community are extremely important for our organization!

We would be happy to talk with you more about our organization and how we grew very quickly. Our website unfortunately is out of date due to our quick growth (we are actively working on getting it updated) so looking at our Facebook presence is more accurate.

Number of current board members: 4

Meeting location: Virtually

Regular meeting schedule: 4th Thursday at 7 PM

Time expecation (hrs/mo.): 2

Length of term: 2 years

Terms allowed (# of terms): Undefined

Board member giving requirement: None

Committee service requirement: None

Policies this organization has:

  • Conflict of interest
  • Non-discrimination
  • Confidentiality

Does organization carry Director’s and Officer’s insurance: Yes

Does organization have a board orientation program: No

If you are interested in serving on this board, please complete the Board Member Candidate Interest Form.




The Parenting Place

The Parenting Place

Mission: Supporting and empowering a community of adults who nurture thriving children

Type of charitable status: 501(c)3


Address: 1500 Green Bay Street, La Crosse, WI 54601

Annual budget: $2,700,000

Number of paid staff (FTEs): 39.15

Skills they’re looking for in a board member: 

  • Marketing and PR
  • Technology
  • Legal


Also interested in knowledge of Financial Investments for management of reserves.

Our Board Members believe that investing in parents and their young children is essential to a thriving community.

We don’t require that our Board Members make a financial contribution to the organization, but it is highly recommended and appreciated. We recognize that giving of time and talents is also a contribution and value the service time that a Board Member provides.

Number of current board members: 13

Meeting location: Green Bay Street and virtual

Regular meeting schedule: 3rd Monday of the month from 12-1:30 PM

Time expectation (hrs/mo): 3

Length of term: 3 years

Terms allowed (# of terms): 2

Board member giving requirement: No

Committee service requirement: No

Policies this organization has:

  • Conflict of interest
  • Non-discrimination
  • Whistle-blower
  • Confidentiality

Does organization carry Director’s & Officer’s Insurance: Yes

Does organization have a board orientation program: Yes

If you are interested in serving on this board, please complete the Board Member Candidate Interest Form.

Independent Living Resources

About Independent Living Resources, Inc.


Committed to community diversity through advocacy, choice, and education resulting in empowerment for individuals with disabilities.

Type of charitable status: 501(c)3


Address: 4439 Mormon Coulee Road, La Crosse

Annual budget: $1.5 million

Number of paid staff in full time equivalents (FTEs): 27

What ILR is looking for in a board member

Skills desired in a board member:

  • Financial management
  • Management and leadership
  • Marketing and PR
  • Fundraising
  • Public policy and advocacy
  • Strategic and business planning
  • Program management

Skills desired in a board member (detail): 

Independent Living Resources, Inc. (ILR) is searching for board members who have experience and passion for supporting people with disabilities in increasing their independence. ILR is currently looking for board members who have experience with financial management; nonprofit financial experience is a plus. ILR is also looking for potential board members who have experience with fundraising and marketing.

General board information and time commitments

Number of current board members: 7

Meeting location: Virtual via Zoom

Regular meeting schedule: Last Monday of the month, every other month, from 1-3 PM

Time expectation (hours/month): 2 hours a month

Length of term (# of years): 2

Terms allowed (# of terms): 3

Board member giving requirement: None

Committee service requirement: No

ILR has the following policies:

  • Conflict of interest
  • Non-discrimination
  • Whistle-blower
  • Confidentiality

Does ILR carry Director’s and Officer’s Insurance? Yes

Does ILR have a board orientation program? Yes

Interested in learning more about serving on ILR’s board? Please fill out the Board Member Candidate Interest Form by clicking here: