What We Do

La Crosse Area Community Foundation (LACF) is a charitable organization created through gifts from individuals who care about enhancing the greater La Crosse area. The donors’ gifts are the building blocks of permanent endowment funds which LACF invests. We use the annual earnings from these funds to provide grants to qualified local nonprofits who are meeting identified community needs.

By starting an endowment fund or giving to an existing fund, donors become catalysts for good today and for generations to come. Any individual, family, business or qualified charity can start a fund, which is managed by LACF in perpetuity. Gifts made to funds continue to grow and provide resources for the community forever. This is why we say we are “For Good. Forever.”

Once a fund is established, donors can advise grants or rely on LACF staff to determine the best use of resources. Nonprofits can also apply for grant funding through a competitive grantmaking process. The Foundation’s board reviews and awards grants quarterly with assistance from staff.

A key benefit of the community foundation model is that it can adapt to the changing needs and opportunities of the people it serves. La Crosse Area Community Foundation staff have a deep, unique knowledge of the community, objective evaluation of nonprofit organizations, expertise in impactful charitable giving, and a commitment to sustainable philanthropy. We pride ourselves on being a leading resource in facilitating the magic of philanthropy in the region.

Why La Crosse Area Community Foundation?

We are a resource for giving.
We’re a trusted resource for donors and professional advisors, providing philanthropic expertise and services to inform decisions about meaningful, impactful giving.  Our spending-rate endowment model allows donors to continue to carry out their charitable interests well beyond their lifetime from their established funds.

We know the community.
We know the issues facing the La Crosse area and the organizations who can bring effective solutions. We serve as a community catalyst and convener, raising awareness and bringing focused efforts and resources to address the area’s most pressing needs.

We make grants to qualified organizations.
We have granted over $37 million from our various funds since our founding in 1930. Nonprofit, educational and government organizations can apply for funding through our competitive grant making process. Fund advisors can also recommend grants to qualified organizations for specific projects or programs, or as an unrestricted grant.