Financial Oversight

Being good stewards of our donors’ charitable giving is our top priority. We strive to maximize investment income while following formal, yet flexible investment guidelines that incorporate prudent risk parameters, appropriate asset guidelines, and realistic return goals.

The Board of Directors bears the overall fiduciary responsibility for the Foundation. The Board appoints and empowers a Finance and Investment Committee comprised of individuals with extensive business and investment backgrounds for ongoing investment guidance, monitoring, and oversight. This committee meets quarterly and reports to the full board after each meeting.

Our investment portfolio is managed by Trust Point. The Foundation’s investment objectives are detailed in our Statement of Investment Objectives and Policies document which is reviewed annually by the Finance and Investment Committee to ensure the relevance of its contents to current capital market conditions and the needs of the Foundation. Trust Point representatives attend every Finance and Investment Committee meeting to report on our portfolio’s performance. Information regarding our investment performance is available upon request.

The Independent Auditor’s Reports and 990 forms give more information about LACF’s current finances. Johnson Block and Company Inc. prepares our audit report and Tax Form 990.

2021 Audit Report

2021 990 Report

2022 Audit Report

2022 990 Report

2023 Audit Report