
New mental health crisis stabilization facility coming to La Crosse

May 24, 2024

By La Crosse Community Foundation

Tellurian Mental Health Crisis Stabilization Facility with Tellurian and La Crosse Community Foundation team members in front.The greater La Crosse area will have a new resource for people experiencing mental health crises next month. Community grants, including one for $50,000 from La Crosse Community Foundation, have paved the way for a new Tellurian Behavioral Health stabilization facility in La Crosse, Wisconsin.

Tellurian Behavioral Health offers an innovative and urgently needed alternative for mental health crisis management. The eight-bed facility, located at 1720 Jackson Street in La Crosse, will offer a non-hospital, living room style environment where adults experiencing mental health crises can receive care and supervision without the need for medical clearance. The model is designed to reduce the dependency on emergency rooms and law enforcement intervention, providing a more appropriate and supportive setting for individuals in distress.

“Traditional responses often involve either law enforcement or emergency room visits, which can be overwhelming and sometimes inappropriate for those experiencing mental health crises,” said Tim Blumentritt, director of La Crosse Social Services at Tellurian. “Our facility provides a calm, compassionate environment where individuals can receive immediate care, reducing the pressure on local hospitals and police forces.”

The service is particularly important for La Crosse, where local data suggests a significant gap exists in mental health crisis management infrastructure. The facility is expected to serve approximately 350 individuals annually, addressing a critical need in the community.

As evidenced by the grants, community leaders and healthcare professionals have expressed strong support for the initiative.

“Jackson House represents a critical development in our community,” said La Crosse Community Foundation CEO Jamie Schloegel. “With an immediate, appropriate care setting for mental health crises, we can significantly improve outcomes for individuals while enhancing overall community well-being.”

The La Crosse facility could be used as a model to be replicated in other communities that want to increase mental health support systems.