We appreciate your interest in the River Clean Up – La Crosse area. Mississippi River Clean Up La Crosse began in 1993 and continues as an opportunity for volunteers to clean up the waterways of the Mississippi River in the La Crosse area. In 2021, we piloted the first corporate cleanup, and combined with the community clean up event, we had 388 volunteers cleaning area waterways and shorelines making a measurable, positive impact on the environment.
An unpaid team of volunteers coordinates the annual clean-up event with the support of many generous sponsors. The effort operates under fiscal sponsorship of La Crosse Area Community Foundation, which allows gifts to the cause to be charitable and fully tax deductible. We collaborate with local agencies to ensure the clean-ups are effective, fun, safe, and comprehensive yet focused on our primary mission. We provide lunch, door prizes, and event t- shirts to acknowledge the important role volunteers, partners, and sponsors contribute to the clean-up events.
Future goals of RCU include, yet are not limited to, increasing the number of volunteers; expansion of the cleanup areas; adding large or under water debris collection over and above what we are able to accomplish during the existing clean-ups; and expansion of the corporate cleanup day.
You can learn more at https://www.rivercleanuplacrosse.com/.