LACF Policies Annual Attestation Form

LACF Policies Annual Attestation Form

Please read the Confidentiality, Whistleblower, and Conflict of Interest policies that were recently emailed to you, then complete and submit this form. Due to your affiliation with La Crosse Area Community Foundation, you must review and attest to these policies on an annual basis for LACF to maintain its accreditation with National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations.

  • Confidentiality Policy

  • Whistleblower Policy

  • Conflict of Interest Policy and Disclosure Statement

    In accordance with the Conflict of Interest Policy adopted by the Foundation’s Board of Directors, all board members and staff are asked to complete the following questionnaire. The policy provides that a board member with a Conflict of Interest may not vote on any matter with respect to which he or she has a Conflict of Interest, and that such business conflict, as described in item 1 of the questionnaire, also precludes voting on such matters. The Board Chair may request that a member not participate in a discussion of a possible grant in the case of a conflict with respect to that prospective grantee. To avoid being overly intrusive, you are not required to provide information about the interests of family members in the questionnaire, although if such a conflict exists with respect to a specific transaction or grant that is under consideration, you will be expected to disclose it.